The MyFav website has been designed as the ideal ‘Home Page’ so that members have one click access to the webs most favourite sites (ebay, itunes, facebook, youtube etc etc) plus there own personal favourites, gadgets, store notes (like post-it notes) Google and Amazon search bars and a Quick Address Bar (QAB) that allows the entry of a web address simply as opposed to the fiddly address bar at the top of most browsers.

The icon to major sites are initially selected by us and promoted or demoted on their use. Members may recommend useful sites, which we will evaluate for suitability and if deemed by us suitable add to either our “Top 72” front page or to one of the categorised pages. We currently do not have any sponsored sites or affiliate linked sites.

Any owner of their websites icon link, who objects to it appearing on any page may have it withdrawn (subject to relevant owner checks). Use the “Contact” button to enter into a dialogue.

Any owner who is unhappy with the icon graphic shown (ie out of date, poor quality etc) should use “Contact” button to ensure that your site is displayed to your satisfaction. You may supply your own graphic to us. It can be in .jpg, .gif, .bmp or .png in an aspect ration   2:1 (W x H) and be no more than 5kb in size.


MyFav Team