Above are the grid selector buttons to display different grids in various categories. The default is "Top 72", the most popular used web sites.

Hi, Guest

    Sample Bookmarks
01 - What is a Browswer
02 - MF Video-Concept
03 - MF Video-Introduction
04 - MF Video-Members
05 - MF Video-Home Page Benefits
06 - MF Video-Win Prizes
07 - MF Video-Edit Bookmarks 1
08 - spare/empty
09 - spare/empty
10 - spare/empty


Welcome Guest

If you register, you have a lot of added benefit -

• Set up to 40 of your own personal bookmarks. Sample of 10 above.

• Set up to 10 personal notes as reminders or 'To Do' lists.

• Set up to 6 gadgets various plus weather in over 550 world & UK towns and time zones in over 230 cities including every capital city.

• Set your start-up iconic grid page.

• Set your start-up locked page.

• Set your favourite search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask or AVG secure search)

• Set your favourite retailer seacrh bar (16 and growing)

• Set the analogue clock face (18 available)

AND IT'S FREE PLUS A CHANCE TO WIN OUR MONTHLY £100 PRIZE. Click the Blue Register button now.


MyFav is hosted by 1&1. To get 1&1 to
power your site, click the logo below.
One & One Web Hosting. Reliable and economical hosting.

Link/Icon owners. Unhappy with your
logo on MyFav ?, then click the logo
If any; owner of an. icon is unhappy, click here.

Would you like your company or
website logo displayed as an icon
then click logo below.
If you believe your company should be displayed as an icon, or you would just like an iconic link to your site, then click this link..

Quick Address Bar

Click the logo for Google's
Home page for quick
access to maps, images etc.

Amazon Search

System Msg.- Registered users can now personalise their search engine to AVG secure Search in addition to Google, Bing, Ask or Yahoo.

Special Offers

From Time to time we get companies send us their special offers. We are pleased to pass these on to you and the links are shown below. Hover over the icon to see details of the offer. Check this page regularly.

Apologies, the weather facility is no longer

available due to the BBC withdrawing this

facility without notice.

H= 0000003316


A newer, faster, cleaner version of MyFav is now available,

click here for the new version.

This version now has reduced facilities and all enhancements will only be made to the newer version. If this is your “home page”, after you click the link above, set the new page as your home page and your set up will remain unchanged.